Saturday, August 21, 2010

August 21st 2010 Running Blog

"The truth is you can always run faster but sometimes the truth hurts." - from Once a Runner

Wow. Today was totally unexpected. I thought well, Saturday will be easy I'm on the beginner team that only does 3.1 miles it will be a good finish to my week. WRONG!! Today hurt so bad. It was extremely discouraging at first. I was way behind them and felt so slow, I was sad. There were alot of hills, we didn't run at the Boling Park. Then, they decided to do sprints on a sponge track and I beat them two times? After that we finished off a couple miles at Boling Park. So, I don't know that I'll ever understand why I run the way I do (behind everyone but then beat them sprinting?) all I know is it kicked my butt...its very sore! It was like hill+sprint+distance day. This is how much my body exerted the morning I weighed 195lbs after came home and crashed I thought it may be interesting to see if anything changed in my weight, It dropped to 193lbs I lost two pounds after today's run.....I wasn't sad anymore.

Boling Park
5 Miles

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